

Welcome to Solano Community College! 

Please follow these instructions for receiving assistance on choosing upcoming courses:

Watch this video: New Student Education Plan Overview (video – 18:12 min)

    •  Yes, there is a lot of information on the video! Please watch it multiple times and write down your questions to ask the counselor during the workshop.
    • You don’t have to choose your English or Math. That part of the video is to explain how the placement guidance process works. The counselor will review your HS transcripts with you (so don’t forget to have an electronic version available when you go to the workshop) to determine what English and Math to choose.  You major will also guide the Math choice, as you will see when you select a template.
    • Information on other programs: Puente
  • Visit the Explore Programs website to identify a major(s) or interest.  You will be asked about your interest area during the workshop.
  • Not sure of your major?  Take the Career Assessment(quick or detailed version) to identify your interests and connected majors.

Create a draft of your class choices for the upcoming semester

Call the Counseling Office

    • Call the Counseling Front Desk, 707-864-7101 stating you are a first-time college attendee and would like to be added to the Express Quick Question list for your draft course list to be reviewed by a Counselor. Express times are 10:30am – 1pm and 3-5pm (expanded during the week before and the first week of each semester). A counselor will call you to confirm your course choices. Then, email your draft of class choices for the upcoming semester to Counseling Services,

Register for Classes!

Congratulations, you are officially registered as a Solano Community College student!

  • Review the handouts, videos and other useful tips for being a successful college student here
  • Don’t forget about financial aid and the Solano promise program
  • Contact Counseling in the month after you start to create a comprehensive education plan (all semester)s.


Express Counseling is for: pre-requisite clearances, registration error questions, questions on course substitutions, petition signatures, or other short questions. Full-transcript reviews or education plans are not available, please make an appointment. 

There are no or limited Express when classes aren’t in session.

Expanded Express 10:30 am – 5:00 pm (3:00pm Fridays) the week before classes start each semester; 8:30 am – 5:00 pm (3:00pm Fridays) the first week of classes each semester

Process – Please pick the best method for your situation:

  • Email ( best for petitions, pre-requisite clearances in which documents are needed to be reviewed (please include the reason you are emailing, your name, Solano Student ID #, and phone number)
  • Phone (707-864-7101) or Chat – best for quick questions on transfer or choice or one course (please include the reason you are contacting office, your name, Solano Student ID #, and call back phone number)

Please go to the online booking system or call 707-864-7101 to schedule a 30 min or 60 min appointment:  

  • If you are on Probation II or Academic Dismissal, you will see a TAP (Targeted Academic Persistence) Counselor, please call 707 864-7000 ext. 4752 or email
  • Zoom Appointment – this is a video meeting (very easy, just like facetime) with a Counselor. The benefit of this meeting is the counselor can share their screen to show you more information and review documents in greater detail. Try it out! Here’s some tips to help.
  • Phone Appointment – the Counselor will call you at the designated counseling appointment time. The number may show as “blocked or restricted.” Please be sure to pick up the call and unblock any apps that may restrict these types of call.

Please watch before your appointment: Getting the Most out of Your Counseling Appointment (video – 7 min)

30 min appointments are for:

  • one semester education plans with less than 20 units and no transcripts from other schools
  • general transfer questions, major/career discussions

60 min appointments are for (please note due to reduced staffing, prioritization will be for 30 minute appointments during busiest times):

  • degree/transcript review for graduation or transferring; transfer application assistance
  • financial aid application forms which require comprehensive education plan
  • multiple semester course plans (comprehensive education plans)
  • review of more than 20 units on transcripts from other schools

Counseling Office Information


Counseling Services has moved to Zoom (video) and phone only appointments until an unknown date, to implement physical distancing while the Coronavirus is prevalent. We will follow the local public health and State guidelines to determine when in-person appointments can continue. 


Services during COVID 19 Physical Distancing Protocols


  • Front Desk Phone: 707-864-7101 Monday – Thursday open 8:30 – 4:30 pm; Friday 8:30 – 3:00 pm. If If you hear the voicemail, please leave your name, reason for calling, Solano ID# and call back phone number with your message. Note: with limited services please expect 2 business days for a response.
  • Online Appointment Booking System: Go HERE to use the online appointment booking system to schedule your phone or zoom appointment with a counselor
  • Express and Online Express Chat: Monday – Friday 10:30 am – 1:00 pm; M-Th 3:00 pm – 5:00 pm. No or limited Express when classes aren’t in session.
  • Email: with questions. Please include the reason you are emailing, your name, Solano Student ID #, and phone number. Note: with limited services please expect 2 business days for a response.

Main Campus

Building 400, Room 404
4000 Suisun Valley Rd, Fairfield CA, 94534
(707) 864-7101

Express Counseling/Online Express Counseling (Quick Question Drop-ins): M-F 10:30 am – 1:00 pm; M-Th 3:00 pm – 5:00 pm

8:30 am – 6:00* pm
8:30 am – 6:00* pm
8:30 am – 6:00* pm
8:30 am – 6:00* pm
8:30 am – 3:00 pm

* 5:00pm when classes are not in session


Vallejo Center

545 Columbus Parkway Vallejo, CA 94590
(707) 642-8188

8:30 am – 3:00 pm; walk-ins 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm
8:30 am – 6:00 pm; walk-ins 11:30 am – 12:30 pm
No Counselor Available
10:30 am – 4:30 pm; walk-ins 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm
No Counselor Available

Vacaville Center

2001 North Village Parkway Vacaville, CA 95688
(707) 863-7836

9:30 am – 5:00 pm; walk-ins 12:30 pm – 1:30 pm
11:30 am – 6:00 pm; walk-ins 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm
12:00 pm – 6:00 pm; walk-ins 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm*
12:00 pm – 2:00 pm
8:30 am – 11:00 am

* some days 12-1pm or other times, please call to confirm


Travis Air Force Base Center

Travis Air Force Base Center
530 Hickam Ave, Bldg. 249, C-BAY
Travis Air Force Base, CA 94535
(707) 863-7878

No Counselor Available
No Counselor Available
8:30 am – 6:00 pm
No Counselor Available
No Counselor Available

Solano Community College has partnered with BankMobile to provide students with options for their financial aid refunds. You must choose a refund preference to receive your financial aid in a timely manner! For more information about BankMobile, visit this link:

Check-Run Calendar

Other Types of Services

Videos and Handouts on Registering, Picking Classes, Nursing Program and More!

Solano College offers a variety of programs and services to meet the needs of students. Please review the list below to see if you would like to participate in any other programs.

  • Solano College offers the following types of counseling, free of charge:

    • Academic Counseling – assistance to students in selecting a major, educational planning, certificate, associate degree and transfer requirements, as well as strategies for students to effectively deal with low grades, study habit, and effective course planning
    • Career Counseling – assistance to students in developing career goals based on their interests, abilities and achievements. Please visit the Career Center for assistance with these topics as well.
      Other helpful resources include:
    • Disability Services Program (DSP) – a program that provides services for students with physical, communication, learning disabilities, psychological disabilities or other medical problems
    • Extended Opportunity Programs and Services (EOPS) – a program that offers services to students who are both financially and educationally disadvantaged
    • International Student Program – a program that provides counseling and assistance to students from other countries who are studying on F-1 Visas
    • Puente Project – a program designed to increase the number of educationally underserved students who enroll in four-year colleges and universities, earn degrees and return to the community as leaders and mentors to future generations (The Puente Project is open to all interested students.)
    • Transfer Center – access to information to facilitate transfer to four-year colleges, universities and vocational schools, and/or career life pursuits for students
    • Veteran’s Affairs – assistance to veterans or qualified dependents in applying for and receiving education benefits for various G.I. bills
  • What is it?
    In partnership with JFK University, PsyD or MFT (Marriage and Family Therapy) recent graduates or current students of JFK University provide brief (6-8 sessions) mental health therapy. The therapists will be supervised by JFK faculty as they accrue hours toward licensure. These services are FREE and first-come, first-served based on availability and appropriateness of the issues to the type of services provided.  Services are available when classes are in-session.

    How can Wellness Counselors help?
    Wellness counselors provide brief (6-8 sessions) mental health therapy.  These are some of the topics they can help with: test anxiety, relationship issues, life transitions, abuse, anxiety, depression, conflict/exploration of identity, substance use, grief/loss, and more.

    Wellness Therapy Request Process

    • Due to the COVID 19 physical distancing protocols, Wellness Counselors are unavailable to see students in-person at this time. They will continue to see existing and new clients through online video sessions.
    • Requests for therapy are submitted online through a secure portal.
    • After submitting the request form, it will be reviewed by JFK Wellness Counselors who will contact the student directly to assess needed services and set up appointments (due to the nature of brief therapy, there may be a wait time, which the therapist will discuss with any potential client).

    **Please note, wellness counseling is NOT for immediate crisis situations.  If you feel you are in immediate crisis, please call police services or the resources below**

  • Crisis Text Line-Free 24/7 and Confidential (Text “Courage” to 741741)
    Solano County 24 Hour Crisis Line (707) 428-1131


Solano College and Instant Urgent Care (IUC) are now offering free telehealth for students, including mental health services. To make an appointment for a virtual visit, please go to the following link: or call  (408) 687-4806.

Soon we expect to also offer free health services at the IUC clinic in Fairfield on Travis Blvd., across from the Solano Mall. We will let you know when and how you can access services that are covered by your student health center fee.

Please note these resources are not directly connected with Solano Community College.

  • The California Peer-Run Warm Line offers non-emergency emotional support and referrals to anyone in the state needing mental health help. The line is toll-free, and it will be staffed daily for most of the day.
    • The number is 1-855-845-7415. You can use it via telephone or instant messaging.
Mondays to Fridays: 7 a.m. to 11 p.m.
Saturdays: 7 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Sundays: 7 a.m. to 9 p.m.

The Assisting Emotionally Distressed Students Guidelines for Faculty and Staff at Solano Community College (pdf) packet can provide more information and insights to assist students on campus, including emergency contact information, the early alert program referral, and external resources.

Health and Wellness Resources (pdf)

Counseling Courses

Click the button below to check out our counseling courses!

Other Types of Services

  • Solano College offers the following types of counseling, free of charge:

    • Academic Counseling – assistance to students in selecting a major, educational planning, certificate, associate degree and transfer requirements, as well as strategies for students to effectively deal with low grades, study habit, and effective course planning
    • Career Counseling – assistance to students in developing career goals based on their interests, abilities and achievements. Please visit the Career Center for assistance with these topics as well.
      Other helpful resources include:
    • Accessibility Services Center (ASC) – a program that provides services for students with physical, communication, learning disabilities, psychological disabilities or other medical problems
    • CalWORKs – Education to workforce support program for County CalWORKs recipients
    • Extended Opportunity Programs and Services (EOPS) – a program that offers services to students who are both financially and educationally disadvantaged
    • International Student Program – a program that provides counseling and assistance to students from other countries who are studying on F-1 Visas
    • Puente Project – a program designed to increase the number of educationally underserved students who enroll in four-year colleges and universities, earn degrees and return to the community as leaders and mentors to future generations (The Puente Project is open to all interested students.)
    • Transfer Center – access to information to facilitate transfer to four-year colleges, universities and vocational schools, and/or career life pursuits for students
    • Veterans Resource Center – assistance to veterans or qualified dependents in applying for and receiving education benefits for various G.I. bills